Search Results
Alexey Bochkovskiy | YOLOv4 and Dense Prediction Transformers
Vision transformers for the dense prediction on 360° drone images in rescue environments
Vision transformers for the segmentation prediction on 360° drone images in rescue environments
Vision Transformers for Dense Prediction (ICCV 2021)
[VISAPP 2022] A Comprehensive Study of Vision Transformers on Dense Prediction Tasks
YOLOv7 vs YOLOv6 Object Detection Models in Movies
Dense Prediction Transformers - внезапный State of Art для задач сегментации и оценки глубины
DenseCLIP: Language-Guided Dense Prediction with Context-Aware Prompting
[VML Lab Seminar] Vision Transformers for Dense Prediction (Presenter: YJE)
ailia MODELS : DPT
Deep Learning :Dense predictions
TensorFlight co-founder - Dense Predictions problems?